Final GSP
The Corning Subbasin Final GSP files can be accessed at the links below.
Printed copies of the Final GSP will be available at the GSA staff offices (see addresses below).
Click on links below to view sections and appendices of the Final GSP.
Section 1 – Introduction | Appendix 1
Section 2 – Description of Plan Area | Appendix 2
Section 3 – Basin Setting | Appendix 3
Section 4 – Water Budgets | Appendix 4
Section 5 – Monitoring Networks | Appendix 5
Section 6 - Sustainable Management Criteria | Appendix 6
Section 7 – Projects and Management Actions | Appendix 7
Section 8 – Plan Implementation | Appendix 8
The complete GSP can be downloaded from this link:
Corning Subbasin Final Complete GSP
Corning Subbasin Complete GSP (no appendix)
For more information:
1. Contact GSA Staff for any questions or to get involved in GSP implementation:
Tehama County:​
Justin Jenson |
Nichole Bethurem |​
Glenn County​
Lisa Hunter |​
​Tehama County
Corning Subbasin GSP
c/o: Nichole Bethurem
9380 San Benito Ave.
Gerber, CA 96035
​Glenn County
Corning Subbasin GSP
c/o Lisa Hunter
225 N Tehama St.
Willows, CA 95988
2. Public Hearings for GSP Adoption
The two GSAs will hold public hearings for the adoption of the GSP.
Further information will be provided via the Interested Parties email list. Contact the GSA staff if you want to be added to the list (GSA staff contacts listed above).
Corning Sub-basin GSA Public Hearing
December 8, 2021 9:30am
Location: 7854 County Road 203, Orland, CA 95963
Agenda can be accessed at
Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Public Hearing
December 20, 2021 11am
Location: 727 Oak Street, Red Bluff, CA.
Agenda can be accessed from
Important Notes:
Per the statutory SGMA deadline, the GSP needs to be adopted by the GSAs prior to submittal to DWR, by January 31, 2022.
Immediately after GSP adoption, the GSAs will start implementing the GSP.
DWR has two years after submittal of the GSP to review and provide their assessment to the GSAs.
See the GSP development and implementation timeline recap with important dates on the chart below.